HAL Interview 29/05/2017 

Post : Management trainee
Panel : 8 members including 1 lady
1. Introduce yourself in 1 minute.
2. 10th and 12th % and why you scored less in 12th std ?
3. Why not M.Tech ? It is good option ?
4. Favourite subject?
5. Type of flow (laminar , turbulent)
6. How to differentiate laminar and turbulent ?
7. Critical Reynolds Number?
8. Grashof's formula (they asked empirical relationships of other number I said  "I don't remember").
9. About HAL,  Name any one aircraft and one helicopter manufactured by HAL.
10. Difference between aircraft and helicopter.
11. What is Mach number ?
12. For Mach number 1.5  what type of flow ?
13. What is compressible and incompressible fluid ?
14. Why incompressible fluids are used in machinery ?
15. Where you applied other than HAL ?
16. Your next interview ? (NTPC)
17. Which one will you join ?
18. If you are selected in both and HAL posting in Odisha and NTPC posting in your town which one you will join and salary of NTPC is also high ?
Duration : 20 minutes

HAL INTERVIEW ( 29/05/17)

Post : Design Trainee 

1.) Tell me about yourself.
2.) Your technical strength.( I said SOM , THERMO and they asked one more FM- I said)
3.) Principal stress and strains.
4.) Importance of principal stresses for design.
5). Application of Bernoulli's theorem.
6.) Aerofoil shape .
7.) Why selected design trainee instead of management trainee ?
8.) How you are suitable for designing ?
9.) Why HAL over Railways? ( bceause my father is in Railways and my father's elder brother is in HAL)
10.) SFD and BMD.
11.) Types of beam ?
12.) Other PSUs form  that you have filled.
13.) Application of beams.
14.) What design factors you consider for designing purpose ? e.g. designing of overhead crane.
15.) What you have learned from your previous job ?
16.) What qualities you have to be suitable for design trainee ?
17.) Heat treatment ?
18.) What are alloys ?
19.) Why we make alloys ?
20.) Why heat treatment is done ?
21.) What are the hardening processes ?
22.) Why you have chosen Kanpur division ?
23.) Losses in pipes ?
Duration : 35-40 minutes
No question from project and Training were asked.

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